The purpose is to submit this to your employer so that the employer can withhold the correct amount of federal income tax from your pay. This way you can help to avoid getting a surprise payment due when you have to file your taxes..
This page is about the information for IRS Publication 1 (download it) The IRS actually will explain things and protect your rights to help you when you are in contact with them. What you say to the IRS stays with the IRS unless the law requires otherwise.
Esta Publicación le dice cómo apelar su caso tributario si usted no está de acuerdo con las determinaciones del Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS)...
Links To Websites That Offer Free Downloads And Information For Tax Forms. Great site with a lot of pages and forms as well as good info.
This 2015 calendar is the same size as normal printer paper and it has 12 month pages and a cover page. You can download it and then print it out if you like the looks of it. .
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